The use of educative technology in teaching for distance learning lessons in Physical Culture Faculty of Pinar del Río

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María Antonia Afre-Socorro
Marlen Echeverría-Pérez
Vladimir Almaguer-Rubio


The study is carried out due to detected insufficiencies in controls to lessons and to the subje ct preparation taking into account the results of the instruments applied to the teachers and the students that teach and receive distance learning lessons of Physical Education Theory and Practice when verifying that Educative Technology (ET) is not used when teaching a distance learning lessons, scientific methods are applied which allowed to deep in the stud object to know deficiencies as well as to design a didactic materials that gives the teachers knowledge to do study guide as indispensable means f or the teaching in the distance learning lessons. The study continuity will favor the creative of greater ET in Physical Culture Faculty of Pinar del Río province.


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How to Cite
Afre-Socorro, M. A., Echeverría-Pérez, M., & Almaguer-Rubio, V. (2015). The use of educative technology in teaching for distance learning lessons in Physical Culture Faculty of Pinar del Río. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(1), 52–60. Retrieved from


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RUEDA Nº 4. Red Universitaria de Educación a Distancia. Universidad Nacional de Luján.