Evaluation of physical conditional capabilities in athletes with physical motors limitations

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Indira de las Mercedes Saínz-Reyes
Yusleidy Marlie Gordo-Gómez
Yarelis Noemí Labrada-Rojas


This research was carried out in the province of Holguin with the disabled athletes competing in T53 mode event 100 m levels. It was determined as a scientific problem: How to evaluate the conditional physical capabilities in athletes with physical motor limitations in athletics? and as objective: To adapt functional tests to evaluate the conditional physical capabilities in athletes with physical motor limitations in athletics. A selection of functional test was carried out applying then some methodological modifications in order to make them easier for disabled athletes in wheelchairs. Theoretical and empirical levels methods as well as consensus techniques were used. The research has an adequate scientific rigor since a methodologies theoretical foundation on conditional physical capabilities and their evaluation by functional testing. Through the nominal group it could be determined the feasibility of the proposal, since the consulted experts came to the consensus that the chosen and modified functional tests can be applied to disabled athletes in wheelchairs, and recognized that through them it can be checked the training level of these athletes and the influence of the physical exercise in their organism.


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How to Cite
Saínz-Reyes, I. de las M., Gordo-Gómez, Y. M., & Labrada-Rojas, Y. N. (2015). Evaluation of physical conditional capabilities in athletes with physical motors limitations. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(2), 160–170. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/627


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