The training of throwing the ball above the shoulders while moving in Junior Basketball athletes

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Roberto Crespo Contreras


This research is aimed at proposing a set of drillings to the teaching of the ball throwingwhile movingat the pace of two steps above the shoulder, during the reception of dribbles and the ball passing, for the Basketball players, category 11 - 12 in the sport school number 3 Pablo de la TorrienteBrau, municipality Bahía Honda. This teaching method constitutes a main tool to improve the quality of basketball teaching, specifically in the throwing skill on behalf of an upright performance. This work is done to perfect the basketball theory and practices, taking into account the expertise of local specialist in the area, and by making use of the pedagogical treatment based on the established principles and the possible mistakes that might be committed. Some empirical methods were devised to carry out this research, such as: observation, surveys and interviews to specialists. After determining the difficulties and potentials of the sport practice it was created a set of formative actions for the basketball practice in Junior Basketball players which impacts were very successful.


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How to Cite
Crespo Contreras, R. (2017). The training of throwing the ball above the shoulders while moving in Junior Basketball athletes. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 12(1), 59–66. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Roberto Crespo Contreras, Departamento Didáctica del deporte en la Facultad de Cultura Física «Nancy Uranga Romagoza». Universidad de Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca».

Licenciado en Cultura Física. Máster en Entrenamiento deportivo y Profesor Auxiliar


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