Fingers ratio and its relation with the motor capacities in the judocas of Camagüey

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Luciano Mesa Sánchez
Beymer Aguilera Ramírez


The genetic component has effect in the sport result, however, at the moment of carrying out the talent selection it is done under the base of the tests result in which are measured the global performance of the person´s global phenotype, without entering to discriminate the influence that has each of the elements that interfere in them, that´s the case of the Camagüey's judo. That´s why that the objective of this work is to determine the ratio of the fingers profile in their athletes and its relationship with the motor capacities in such way that is contacted its possible usage in the detection of possible sport talents. It was developed a transversal investigation in which are used the theorical methods that constitute the logical process of thoughts and the empirical methods, such as the descriptive statistic by means of the central media tendency: media, typical deviation, maximal and minimal; such as the inferential statistic determine if it exists the correlation between the ratio and the capacities, since it is applied the coefficient of correlation of Pearson. Concluding that in the masculine sex the ratio in both hands is inferior to one, while in the feminine one hand in inferior and the other equal is one, it was not found relation between the age and the fingers length.


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How to Cite
Mesa Sánchez, L., & Aguilera Ramírez, B. (2018). Fingers ratio and its relation with the motor capacities in the judocas of Camagüey. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 13(3), 258–273. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Beymer Aguilera Ramírez, Universidad de Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte", Facultad de Cultura Física "Manuel Fajardo"

Profesora de Cultura Física terapéutica y Profiláctica


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