Introduction to the study of variables related to Baseball pitching speed
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There are several variables that are considered important to achieve an increase in the speed of pitching in baseball. But coaches do not know the level of influence of these variables. The objective of the research is to establish the level of interrelationship between the main physical variables controlled in the process of sports preparation in baseball and the speed of pitching in a sample of non-players. An intentional sampling was used to select 34 students of 3rd and 4th year of the degree in Physical Culture at the University of Matanzas. Tests were conducted to measure the levels of explosive force from various muscle planes. Pearson's and determination coefficients were applied to establish the level of statistical interrelation between the variables. It was obtained that the seven variables analyzed show a statistical correlation that goes from weak, to very weak, even nonexistent, therefore, the research hypothesis is rejected.
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