Methodological proposal for the teaching of the control guided with the plant of foot in the futsal

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Alexander Castro Figueredo
Esteban Juan Pérez Hernández
Héctor Noa Cuadro


The work entitled "Methodological proposal for teaching foot control in Futsal" aims to provide a working tool for teachers and coaches who teach Futsal in the initial or training stage, specifically at the child's age. The document describes the most essential elements of the movement or technical gesture, simple methodological steps to follow, and the most common errors that can appear during its execution. The research arises for the need to contribute to the process of teaching the orientated control of the ball with the sole of the foot in the Futsal and describes as objective: To propose a methodology that contributes to the teaching of the orientated control of the ball with the sole of the foot in the Futsal infantile category of Holguín. The investigation, in addition, is based on the review and analysis of previous investigations principally in the football and adapted to the futsal attending to his specific characteristics, in the direct observation in the trainings and games of the infantile category in the municipality Holguín, and the processing of interviews and surveys to trainers, teachers and practitioners. It therefore provides an option for teaching the technique of ball control oriented to children who are initiated in the sport of Futsal that as systematic practitioners can learn this technique more easily.


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How to Cite
Castro Figueredo, A., Pérez Hernández, E. J., & Noa Cuadro, H. (2020). Methodological proposal for the teaching of the control guided with the plant of foot in the futsal. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 15(2), 331–341. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Alexander Castro Figueredo, Universidad de Holguín

Máster en Ciencias y Profesor Auxiliar

Esteban Juan Pérez Hernández, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física

Licenciado en Cultura Física, Doctor en Ciencias y Profesor Titular

Héctor Noa Cuadro, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física

Doctor en Ciencias y Profesor Titular


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