The ratio and its relation with the motor capacities in the Judo women athletes of Camagüey/La ratio y su relación con las capacidades motrices en las judocas de Camagüey

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Luciano Mesa Sánchez
Beymer Aguilera Ramírez
Dagmara Gongora


In sports training, performance evaluations are made using the results of tests in which the global manifestation of the phenotype of the infants is measured, without discriminating the influence that each of the elements that intervene in it has, such is the case of female Judo in Camagüey, since the relationship between the ratio of the fingers and the motor capacities is unknown. That's why the objective is to determine the relationship between the ratio of the fingers with the motor skills in the school Judo women athletes of Camaguey. It was developed a transversal research in which the theoretical methods that constitute the logical processes of thought and empirical fundamentally the measurement are used, as well as the descriptive statistics by means of the measurement of average central tendency: mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum; as well as inferential statistics, determining if there is correlation between the ratio and the capacities, for which Pearson's correlation coefficient is applied. Concluding that in the studied athletes an inverse relation was found between the ratio of the right hand and the motor capacities strength and speed, not being strong. The relationship found between the capacities and the ratio is not linear.


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How to Cite
Mesa Sánchez, L., Aguilera Ramírez, B., & Gongora, D. (2021). The ratio and its relation with the motor capacities in the Judo women athletes of Camagüey/La ratio y su relación con las capacidades motrices en las judocas de Camagüey. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(1), 233–247. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Luciano Mesa Sánchez, University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte". Faculty of Physical Culture

Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física, Profesor Títular, profesor del Centro de Estudios de Actividad Física y Deportes

Beymer Aguilera Ramírez, University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte". Faculty of Physical Culture

Máster en Actividad Física Comunitaria, profesora Auxiliar. Profesora del departamento Cultura Física. Jefa de la disciplina Cultura Física Profiláctica y Terapéutica


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