Relationship between aerobic capacity and jumping as strategy for optimizing athletic performance in amateur runners

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Héctor Fuentes-Barria
Diego Valenzuela-Pérez
Rodrigo Fuentes-Kloss


Currently, multiple strategies have been proposed to guarantee better processes of super compensation for sports training, however, there is still no consensus due to the emergence of new knowledge related to interference processes related to concurrent training programs and their impact on the definition of strategies for sports planning. The objective of this work was to evaluate the explosive strength variables and their relationship with aerobic capacity as a tool to define sports planning strategies. A descriptive correlational study was carried out that included the participation of 6 amateur runners, valued in their aerobic capacity and explosive strength through the 2-kilometer running test and the Squat Jump (SJ), Counter Movement Jump (CMJ) and horizontal feet jump together (SH) respectively. The highest correlation found was between aerobic capacity and SJ jump (p <0.001), which shows that aerobic capacity and muscular strength are fundamental pillars in training and athletic planning, in the same way, the non-existence of a relationship between the SH and the CMJ vertical jump (p = 0.121) allow establishing the practical importance of giving an emphasis to the development of aerobic capacity and specific strength in the horizontal running plane as an optimizing strategy that responds to sports performance in amateur runners.


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Fuentes-Barria, H., Valenzuela-Pérez, D., & Fuentes-Kloss, R. (2020). Relationship between aerobic capacity and jumping as strategy for optimizing athletic performance in amateur runners. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 15(2), 360–370. Retrieved from


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