Program of physical-therapeutic activities for students with cystic fibrosis

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Esther María Estrada Tristá
José Ezequiel Garcés Carracedo
Alexis Rafael Macías Chávez
Gonzalo Giraldo García Camejo


The research was carried out in the Jiguaní municipality, Granma province, Cuba. It began, from the limited attention that fibrocystic students receive in the school context due to in the Cuban educational system there is no evidence of physical-therapeutic activity programs that guide the prescription of physical exercises and take into account the possibilities, potentialities and needs of these children. The objective of the research is to develop a program of physical-therapeutic activities, characterized by a comprehensive physical -educational approach that improves the health-oriented physical condition of students with cystic fibrosis. For its development, a correlational study was carried out, with a pre-experimental design in the period between September 2019 and June 2021. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were used, as well as research techniques, including: analytical-synthetic, hypothetical-deductive, structural-functional systemic, documentary review, structured observation, expert judgment, interview, methodological triangulation and descriptive and inferential statistics. From an intentional sampling, four students with clinical manifestations of the respiratory tract, low self-esteem and poor physical condition were selected, representing the total population, for 100 %, with an average age of nine years. In the results of the experiment, through the indicators evaluated with the implementation of the program of physical-therapeutic activities, significant changes were observed in 100 % of the sample, thereby improving the health-oriented physical condition in students with cystic fibrosis.


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How to Cite
Estrada Tristá, E. M., Garcés Carracedo, J. E., Macías Chávez, A. R., & García Camejo, G. G. (2023). Program of physical-therapeutic activities for students with cystic fibrosis. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(2), e1460. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Esther María Estrada Tristá, Dirección de Deportes en Jiguaní, Provincia de Granma (Cuba)

Licenciada en Cultura Física. Máster en Actividad Física en la Comunidad. Profesor Asistente. Metodóloga de Relaciones y Comunicación Institucional

José Ezequiel Garcés Carracedo, Facultad de Cultura Física, Universidad de Granma (Cuba)

Licenciado en Educación en Ciencias Biológicas. Máster en Cultura Física Terapéutica. Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física. Profesor Titular

Alexis Rafael Macías Chávez, Facultad de Cultura Física, Universidad de Granma (Cuba)

Licenciado en Cultura Física. Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física. Profesor Titular


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