Satisfaction of body image and the practice of physical exercise in adolescents

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Stalin Javier Beltrán Vásquez


Currently, for adolescents and young people, body appearance is considered important to be accepted in social groups. Correspondingly, the objective of the research was to determine the correlation between the satisfaction of body image with the practice of physical exercise, in adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age of the Educational Unit "Leonardo Maldonado Pérez", in the school year 2020- 2021. The study was quantitative correlational of a non-experimental cross-sectional type, which made it possible to measure the correlation between the body image variables and the practice of physical exercise. For data collection, two instruments were applied: the Body shape Questionnaire, to explore the level of body satisfaction and the identification of dissatisfaction about weight and the Self-report of the Stage of Change for Physical Exercise, to assess the intention to practice physical exercise. The sampling was stratified proportional and simple random of 400 students divided into six groups. The result was a significant high negative correlation between the level of dissatisfaction with body image and the practice of physical exercise. It was determined that the students seek the satisfaction of their body image through the practice of physical exercise, since having a better image motivates the responsibility of staying healthy, through the moderate practice of exercises in different spaces, so that they place it as a personal goal.


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Beltrán Vásquez, S. J. (2023). Satisfaction of body image and the practice of physical exercise in adolescents. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(2), e1485. Retrieved from


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