Diagnosis of the process of professional reaffirmation, in the Physical Culture career, in Granma

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Ania Yaite Rosales Torres
Víctor Luis Olivera Rodríguez
Lexy Lázaro Figueredo Fruto
Antonia Millán Reyes
Pedro Hidalgo Reyes


The training of professionals, with high quality, is an essential task of Higher Education, which is why there is a permanent demand for graduates committed to development processes, where the knowledge, skills and values in which they have been trained are evidenced. The objective of the diagnosis was to characterize the situation of professional guidance and reaffirmation (consolidation of professional motives and intentions) in the process of studying the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture, in Granma; from three dimensions: pedagogical, psychological and sociological. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied that showed insufficiencies in the planned actions in the educational strategies and in the methodological work plan of the different disciplines, a limited use of the potential of the content and extension activities and low levels of satisfaction with the study of the career; which was manifested in the non-selection of a sphere of action for future professional performance, and in the high levels of student dropout, in the first two years of training.


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How to Cite
Rosales Torres, A. Y., Olivera Rodríguez, V. L., Figueredo Fruto, L. L., Millán Reyes, A., & Hidalgo Reyes, P. (2023). Diagnosis of the process of professional reaffirmation, in the Physical Culture career, in Granma . PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(3), e1493. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/1493
Author Biography

Ania Yaite Rosales Torres, Universidad de Granma; Faculta de Cultura Física

Licenciada en Cultura Física; Master en Actividad Física Comunitaria


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