Combat test to assess tactical performance in ne waza

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Jasser Soria Becquer
Iosif Sánchez Nodarse
Raysel Pérez Cuesta
Jennipher Terrero González


The control and evaluation of the judoka's tactical preparation process continues to be an essential aspect for sports performance. Given the need to find new forms of control and evaluation from the demands of competitive activity, the purpose of this study was to develop a combat test to evaluate the tactical performance of the school judokas of the Isle of Youth. The main empirical methods used in the research were: direct and indirect scientific observation, measurement and modeling, and the filming technique was also used. It was evident that the defensive tactical action was a little superior to the offensive, but both are distinguished by their low effectiveness rate. The variability of offensive and defensive actions is considered positive. No penalties were recorded from the offensive and defensive function. The defensive tactical level was better than the offensive. Tactical performance was evaluated as fair in male and female. No differences were found between weight divisions and sex. Conclusions: tactical performance was characterized by a defensive tendency and low effectiveness of offensive and defensive actions in both sexes. The osae waza predominated as the main element to achieve victory and the kansetsu waza displaced the shime waza as the second option of preference in these ages. The offensive and defensive tactical activity were not enough, you lose more than you gain.


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How to Cite
Soria Becquer, J., Sánchez Nodarse, I., Pérez Cuesta, R., & Terrero González, J. (2025). Combat test to assess tactical performance in ne waza. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 20(1). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Jasser Soria Becquer, Universidad de la Isla de la Juventud "Jesús Montané Oropesa" Facultad de Cultura Física

Departamento de Deportes Licenciado en Cultura Física, Master en Actividad Física en la Comunidad y Profesor Principal Asistente

Iosif Sánchez Nodarse, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte

Dr. C  Deportes de Combate

Raysel Pérez Cuesta, Universidad de la Isla de la Juventud

M. Sc Didáctica de la Educación Física

Jennipher Terrero González, Universidad de la Isla de la Juventud

M. Sc


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