System of physical-sports activities to develop basic motor skills in children with dyslexia

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Carlos Beltrán
Verónica Monserrat Toapanta Illanes
Sonia Guerra Iglesias


Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects children's ability to read, write, and process information properly. Traditionally, it has been believed that in a school context, educational psychologists are responsible for dealing with this disorder and trying to improve it. However, it has been shown that physical activities can consciously and organizedly contribute significantly to treating this condition. That is why the objective of this work is to propose a system of physical-sports activities to contribute to the treatment of dyslexia in children at the Unidocente Francisco de Orellana School in Paztaza, Ecuador. To achieve this purpose, the authors of this work use empirical methods such as observation, survey, interviews, as well as different tests that are applied to determine the truthfulness of dyslexic condition in children. After corroborating the difficulties found in the diagnosis and the potentialities consulted in the theoretical references on the subject by the authors, a system of physical-sports activities was developed that once introduced into the physical education teacher's work sessions, they had the support of their colleagues, the management, the parents of those children, as well as a satisfactory level of acceptance, which significantly influenced the improvement of their learning difficulties and their relationship with their classmates and teachers.


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How to Cite
Beltrán, C., Toapanta Illanes, V. M., & Guerra Iglesias, S. (2024). System of physical-sports activities to develop basic motor skills in children with dyslexia. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(2), e1633. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Carlos Beltrán, Colegio de Bachillerato Primero de Mayo. Ecuador.

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad: Cultura Física

Sonia Guerra Iglesias, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador. Ecuador.

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas


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