Methodological strategy for the inclusion of Goalball in Physical Education for visually impaired students
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Goalball is the only Paralympic sport created specifically for blind and visually impaired people and due to the characteristics of this activity, it is beneficial to use it in (EF) Physical Education classes for inclusion, development of competence and skills, which can be achieved by students with (DV) visual impairment. The purpose of the work presented is to elaborate a methodological strategy for the inclusion of visually impaired students in the practice of Goalball during PE classes, contextualized in the Special Institute for Blind Children "Mariana de Jesús", at the Higher General Basic Education level. The research is based on a quantitative-qualitative approach where theoretical level methods such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and empirical level methods such as documentary review, observation, measurement, expert judgment and pre-experiment were used to interpret the derivations obtained at each stage of the research. The results achieved by the established dimensions highlight the need for a transformation from the (EF) classes. Hence, a methodological strategy was programmed that from the valuation of very adequate manifested by the experts who had the responsibility of estimating it, as well as the results that meant its implementation when taking into account the changes generated between the pretest and the posttest carried out, the inclusion is manifested, the improvement of the quality of the competences and motor skills of the students ascertained in the methods and techniques applied, from the implementation of the proposal.
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