Methodologycal system to improve the integration of the evaluation and the control with the planning aerobic endurance’s trainning of Pinar del Río walkers

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Ernesto Santana García


The interest for increasing the load and the athletics’ condition correspondence which is clearly shown in the fourth technological demands established by the Athletics Provincial Bureau rises in Pinar del Rio's athletics. Then, the objective of this work is to propose means for a greater integration between the control and the planning in the walkers´ aerobics endurance training. It was necessary the help of tools and investigation methods, as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, the survey, the documents study, descriptive statistics among others. It was taken as references the experienced trainers´ ideas and updated theories, from which it was derived a methodology supported by control charts and Excel’s database to process the information when planning for cardiac impact zone, to establish the percentage of recovery and to dose it according to the Gneushev & Kudashov methods for a greater approach to the athletes´ possibilities and functional necessities. These instruments were successfully put into practice at Pinar del Río EIDE’s athletes who occupied the places from the first to the fifth one in the past Nationals School Games. The results have won awards in several events at different levels and have been employed with candidates of junior league. In addition they have references.


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How to Cite
Santana García, E. (2012). Methodologycal system to improve the integration of the evaluation and the control with the planning aerobic endurance’s trainning of Pinar del Río walkers. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(4), 17–29. Retrieved from


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