Considerations martianas preposition of the importance of the education in the invigoration of the values of the professional of the physical culture

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María Ofelia Armas Álvarez


Jose Marti considerations about the importance of education in the stregthening of moral values in the professional of physical culture. This work is derived from a meticulous revision on the several texts written by José Martí related to education, vital and redundant topic of his thought, dedicated to the formation of citizens for the republic and America, to which he devoted his life and labor. In his book Guatemala, and the magazines La Edad de Oro and La América in the issues ¨Three heroes¨ and ¨Walking teachers¨ to mention some examples, There have been reflected some crietria and entire identity with the national heroe Revista electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física on the education´s topic and its determining role in the achievement of freedom, justice and economic and political emancipation of people. This study also includes the analysis of Marti´s conception about education and the strenghtening of human values by means of a compilation of phrases contained in its work, expressing his concern towards a bright welfare for people paving the way to form premises which reveal validity in the revolutionary programmes, these ones carried out at present as contribution to the holistic formation of the professionals of physical culture and sports.


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How to Cite
Armas Álvarez, M. O. (2013). Considerations martianas preposition of the importance of the education in the invigoration of the values of the professional of the physical culture. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(2), 98–105. Retrieved from


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