The scientific research methods applied from Physical Education Theory and Methodology contents at physical skills treatment and its relationship with the sport motor skills connected with the Teaching and Learning Process

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Naivy Lanza-Escobar
Yudelquis Martínez-León
Luís Guillermo Pimienta-Miranda


Within the current theoretical and methodological conceptions that approach the educational processes and phenomena of Physical Education in the Physical capabilities topic there are several levels that, with a systemic character, offer coherence and unity from their more general argumentation to the description of how they should be studied. However, this reality, that is implicit in the different theories, is usually unnoticed by the researchers and thus it brings about theoretical and methodological in-consequences in the investigation which damage the strictness of the research process. The aim of this article is to analyse each level in the theoretical foundation of investigations about the educational process of Physical Education in the Physical capabilities topic. The teaching learning process is valued on how different authors have approached methodological and theoretical levels; later, each of them are specified, highlighting new element which according to the author can enrich the personified work and the relationship among the content to be deal with the mentioned process.


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How to Cite
Lanza-Escobar, N., Martínez-León, Y., & Pimienta-Miranda, L. G. (2015). The scientific research methods applied from Physical Education Theory and Methodology contents at physical skills treatment and its relationship with the sport motor skills connected with the Teaching and Learning Process. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 10(2), 183–194. Retrieved from


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