Motivation of elite cuban boxers: a performance indicator

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Llilian de la Caridad García Chacón
Julio Arturo Ordoqui Baldriche
Anabel Lastres Madrigal
Rolando Acebal Monte
Beatriz Sánchez Córdova
Juan Carlos Arias Cazco


The present research characterizes the motivation in an intentional sample of 20 elite Cuban boxers, 10 outstanding and 10 not outstanding. This study aims to determine the development of motivation qualities in elite Cuban boxers. As an empirical method, the Motivational Qualities Questionnaire is used to evaluate thirteen motivation variables. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the SPSS, version 21.0, as a measure of association between the level of the athlete and the score reached in the motivational qualities, the Pearson Chi Square test was used. Although levels of statistical significance are expressed in only one quality, a careful review of the data reports the perceived motivational superiority of the outstanding group of boxers over the non-outstanding group. As part of the preliminary results, the presence of a study sample with remarkable motivational potential is considered.


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How to Cite
García Chacón, L. de la C., Ordoqui Baldriche, J. A., Lastres Madrigal, A., Acebal Monte, R., Sánchez Córdova, B., & Arias Cazco, J. C. (2020). Motivation of elite cuban boxers: a performance indicator. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 15(2), 290–306. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Llilian de la Caridad García Chacón, Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte cubano

Licenciada en Cultura física

Julio Arturo Ordoqui Baldriche, Instituto de Medicina del Deporte

Licenciado en Cultura Física

Anabel Lastres Madrigal, Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte cubano

Máster en Ciencias

Beatriz Sánchez Córdova, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo”

Doctora en Ciencias

Juan Carlos Arias Cazco, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Máster en Ciencias


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