Interrelation between variables related to the speed of pitching in Baseball/Interrelación entre variables relacionadas con la velocidad del lanzamiento en el béisbol

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Islay Pérez Martínez
Maykel Martínez García
Ariadna Quintana Díaz


In Baseball, the studies carried out concerning the types of motor capacity connections, the structure of the sporting fitness, and the interrelation of variables that have influence on the speed of pitching are limited. Facing with the question of how and how much the different motor capacities and their manifestations influence the pitching speed in Baseball, the research objective was defined: to compare the level of interrelation among some physical variables and the speed of pitching in a sample of players and a sample of non-players. Measurement was used as an empirical method for the application of the tests of 50 meters speed with a high start, long jump without a run of impulse, shot puts, Sit-ups, and the Pitching Speed. The sample has 36 subjects, divided in two groups, A and B with 18 members each. Pearson and Determination coefficients were applied to establish the level of statistical interrelation between the variables. In group A, concerning the sample of players, strong and medium correlations were obtained in two cases respectively, reporting significant levels of interdependence. However, in group B, where non-practitioners were located, there was not a significant interrelation of the variables with the speed of pitching. The systematic practice of physical exercises in a planned way seems to have importance in the structure that the capacities adopt and on the influence that they have on each other.


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How to Cite
Pérez Martínez, I., Martínez García, M., & Quintana Díaz, A. (2021). Interrelation between variables related to the speed of pitching in Baseball/Interrelación entre variables relacionadas con la velocidad del lanzamiento en el béisbol. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(3), 743–756. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Islay Pérez Martínez, Universidad de Matanzas

Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Cultura Física de Matanzas. Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física. Máster en Ciencias y Juegos Deportivos. Licenciado en Cultura Física

Maykel Martínez García, Universidad de Matanzas

Licenciado en Cultura Física, Máster en Ciencias del Deporte la Educación Física y la Recreación, Profesor Asistente. Vicedecano Docente de la Facultad de Cultura Física

Ariadna Quintana Díaz, Universidad de Matanzas

Licenciada en Cultura Física, Máster en Psicología Educativa,Máster en Psicología del Deporte, Profesora Auxiliar


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