Exercises to improve the effectiveness of Tokui-Waza in Tachi Waza/Ejercicios para mejorar la efectividad del Tokui-Waza en el Tachi Waza

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Teobaldo Martínez Perdomo
Lázaro Alberto Pastor Chirino
Osviel Hernández Sotolongo
Rosa María Tabares Arevalo
Esteban Eddy Méndes Lazo


In the current sport of Judo, the mastery of the Tokui-Waza or favorite technique is essential to defeat the opponent and win the victory, however this requires an adequate technical-tactical preparation and its systematization in the training process. From the existence of a series of inadequacies related to the didactic procedure of the coaches for the teaching-learning of the technical-tactical actions of Tokui Waza, in order to enable the athletes an adequate training in the process of technical preparation, based on new and better ways to address and improve this process, the objective of this research is to implement a set of exercises to improve the effectiveness of Tokui Waza in the Tachi Waza of the women's Judo team, category 15-16 years old, of the Integral Sports School in Pinar del Río, in correspondence with the different manifestations within the combat. For this purpose, a sample of 12 athletes, members of this team, was used. Scientific research methods and techniques were used, such as: observation, standardized and individual interview, as well as document analysis. As a result, a set of structured exercises is provided, which include simplified and complex situations, which act didactically on the components of the technical-tactical preparation, constituting a useful tool for coaches in the improvement of their work in the sports preparation of athletes.


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How to Cite
Martínez Perdomo, T., Pastor Chirino, L. A., Hernández Sotolongo, O., Tabares Arevalo, R. M., & Méndes Lazo, E. E. (2021). Exercises to improve the effectiveness of Tokui-Waza in Tachi Waza/Ejercicios para mejorar la efectividad del Tokui-Waza en el Tachi Waza. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(2), 629–642. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/1023
Author Biographies

Lázaro Alberto Pastor Chirino, Provincial Directorate of Sports (Inder)

Máster en Ciencias, Profesor Auxiliar, entrenados de boxeo

Osviel Hernández Sotolongo, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Ramagoza"

Profesor de Judo, Máster en Ciencias

Rosa María Tabares Arevalo, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Ramagoza"

Doctora en Ciencias; Profesora Titular

Esteban Eddy Méndes Lazo, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Ramagoza"

Licenciado en Cultura Física, Especialista en Deporte, para el Alto Rendimiento.

Profesor Auxiliar. Entrenador de Judo Cinta Negra.


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