Biomechanical pattern of the first phase of the 100 m race for junior sprinters/Patrón biomecánico de la primera fase de la carrera de 100 metros para velocistas juveniles

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Alberto Miguel Morales Fábrega
Alberto Bautista Sánchez Oms
Juan Manuel Perdomo Ogando
Antonio Jesús Pérez Sierra


The specialized studies on the 100 meters have taken into account for the biomechanical analysis of the technical execution, both the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of the movements, which reveal the importance of the start and first steps in this test. In Cuba, there has been a setback in the quality of the 100 m. sector. Cuban athletes do not appear in the finals of this athletic discipline in games at Pan-American, Olympic and World level. There are many causes that justify the lack of elite sprinters at the present time, but taking into account the importance that is given to the first phase of the 100 meters flat race, it was proposed as an objective to propose a biomechanical pattern for youth sprinters, especially from the School of School Sports Initiation "Héctor Ruiz" of Villa Clara. The following methods were used at the theoretical level: inductive-deductive, analysis and synthesis, systemic structural approach and modeling. From the empirical level, the following methods were used: documentary review, observational methodology, survey, interview, expert criteria, users and techniques for the biomechanical study. In this study, the proposal of a biomechanical pattern of the first phase of the 100 m. race for juvenile sprinters was achieved, based on the characteristics of the athletes in their adolescence and the competitive activity.


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How to Cite
Morales Fábrega, A. M., Sánchez Oms, A. B., Perdomo Ogando, J. M., & Pérez Sierra, A. J. (2021). Biomechanical pattern of the first phase of the 100 m race for junior sprinters/Patrón biomecánico de la primera fase de la carrera de 100 metros para velocistas juveniles. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(3), 809–827. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Alberto Miguel Morales Fábrega, Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas

Dr.C. PT. Director Centro de Estudios de Cultura Física y Deportes, Director del Proyecto Desarrollo Integral del Deportista villaclareño, Profesor de Atletismo y Teoría Metodología. Entrenador de Atletismo. Miembro de los organos asesores de la Facultad y el INDER. Coordinador del grupo de revisores de la revista CIAF


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