Analysis of the competence of the Physical Education teacher for the inclusion of schoolchildren with disabilities

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Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Fleites
Daniela Milagros Palacio González
Ana Odalis Ruano Anoceto


The study is part of the competence perceived by Physical Education teachers themselves for the inclusion of primary schoolchildren with physical disabilities. The objective was to analyze the competence perceived by Physical Education teachers for the inclusion of primary schoolchildren with physical disabilities, in two municipalities in the central region of Cuba. The data come from a questionnaire completed by 40 Physical Education teachers from two municipalities in the Cuban central region (divided into two groups of 20). Theoretical methods such as the analytical-synthetic and the inductive-deductive were used; as empirical ones the interview, the observation and the survey were used; and from the mathematical and/or statistical level, the empirical frequency distribution was used. The result of the research reflected the description of the self-perception of the teachers of both populations, in the three dimensions, with more favorable results for the municipality of Cabaiguán. The most favorable self-perception of teachers in the municipality of Cabaiguán, to make specific adaptations, issue instruction to equals and security in the process of inclusion of schoolchildren with disabilities in Physical Education class.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Fleites, J. C., Palacio González, D. M., & Ruano Anoceto, A. O. (2023). Analysis of the competence of the Physical Education teacher for the inclusion of schoolchildren with disabilities. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(3), e1527. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Fleites, Centro Universitario de Cabaiguán, Universidad José Martí La Habana, Cuba.

Profesor universitario de Educación Física y jefe de carrera

Daniela Milagros Palacio González, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, Facultad de Cultura Física, Centro de Estudio de Cultura Física y Deporte. La Villas, Cuba.

Profesora investigadora, jefa de proyectos de investigación,  profesora principal de año

Ana Odalis Ruano Anoceto, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, Facultad de Cultura Física, Centro de Estudio de Cultura Física y Deporte. La Villas, Cuba.

Dra C de la Cultura Física, Profesora Titular e Investigadora del Centro de Estudio de Cultura Física y Deporte.


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