Documentary review on the GeoGebra software applied to Physical Culture and sports
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The GeoGebra software is very useful in simulating physical movements because with the help of it the sports professional is able to interpret with mathematical and geometric values the execution of a throw, an action that is very difficult to decipher with the naked eye. However, although this resource is a recurring way to contribute to the development of physical culture and sports, its use in this area of knowledge has not been very widespread. That is why the authors of this research propose as an objective: to carry out a documentary systematization on the Geogebra software focused on Physical culture so that it becomes a reference to be taken into account for future innovations and research on the topic. With a view to achieving this goal, they consulted a group of articles in Scopus and Google Scholar databases and published in the last five years regarding the use of GeoGebra Software and the characteristics of this medium, as well as the various benefits it has offered to users through time were visualized. The articles found were systematized considering the analysis matrix, containing predominant aspects in the number of publications during the year 2021 with 12 publications and a smaller number of publications during 2022. A prototype of 29 articles was studied, in the last five years regarding the use of Educational software that involves GeoGebra.
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