Muscular strength work in the care of Sarcopenia in older adults
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The aging process is marked by a sedentary lifestyle and little physical activity, which is associated with the rapid and continuous decline in functional capacities, dependency and fragility. The objective of the work is aimed at assessing, through the maximum repetition test with non-extreme weights, the effect of applying weight-bearing exercises to treat sarcopenia. Methods from the theoretical and empirical levels such as synthetic analytical, inductive-deductive, documentary review, documentary analysis, observation, survey and interview were applied. As a working instrument, a battery of strength resistance and aerobic physical exercises was applied that allowed the measurement method to be used in seven older adults with sarcopenia, treated at the Center for Physical Activity and Health of the University of Sciences. of Physical Culture and Sports ¨Manuel Fajardo¨. The muscular strength work was evaluated using the aforementioned test, which made it possible to identify the real weight of the physical load with which they must train and, on that basis, the battery of exercises with weights was developed. In the preliminary results recorded, through the application of the test, it was confirmed that the integration of weight work and aerobic work favorably influences strength gain in the elderly.
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