Characterization of the technical-tactical level of Cuban beach volleyball players in the pioneer category
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A current challenge for Beach Volleyball specialists in Cuba is to advance in the solution of the different problems of the technical-tactical preparation process of our players. However, the aspects that characterize the technical-tactical level in the pioneer category are unknown, which hinders the work of coaches to develop an adequate training process. Hence, the objective of the study was to characterize the technical-tactical level of players at this level of competition in Cuba. Methods such as documentary review, observation and statistical-mathematical methods were used to obtain and process the results of the technical-tactical test applied to the players, as part of the evaluation of the pedagogical objectives in the edition of the first national pioneer championship of 2019. It was evidenced that in more than 50% of the male players and 65% of the female players, a Low or Very Low level of performance predominates. The 12-year-old male players and the 11-year-old female players showed the most adverse results. The information obtained constitutes reference values for this sport at the initiation level.
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