Foundamentation of to didactic strategy for oral expression ability development in english language in students of Culture Physics Career

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Liliana Margarita Martínez-Hernández
Arturo Pulido-Díaz
Yudelqui Martínez-León


The necessity to favour the development of the oral expression ability in English language in the students of Physical Culture career of “Nancy Uranga Romagoza” Faculty drove to base a didactic strategy centred in the developer learning. The proposal is sustained in the developer didactic conception for the teaching of foreign languages, elaborated by the Dr. C. Arturo Pulido Díaz from the University of Pedagogic Sciences “Rafael María de Mendive of Pinar del Río, which takes its bases from the sciences of the education.


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Martínez-Hernández, L. M., Pulido-Díaz, A., & Martínez-León, Y. (2013). Foundamentation of to didactic strategy for oral expression ability development in english language in students of Culture Physics Career. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 8(2), 21–32. Retrieved from


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