Games to familiarize children of 7-9 years old with the displacements of Badminton

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Ayran Arencibia Moreno
Maidelin Díaz Miranda


In order that Badminton’s athlete manages to join the technical elements displacements are indispensable, that´s why this research shows the experience carried out to a group of 7-9 year-old children to familiarize them with the displacements in the sport Badminton, considering the difficulties they presented to dominate them. The purpose of the work focuses in proposing games that contribute to improve the assimilation of the displacements technique in Badminton teaching – learning process in these ages. To get the purpose theoretical and empiric methods were used, among the empirical ones the observation and the interview were used. In the content of the work some theoretical referents on the games and their use in the teaching of these sport basic technical skills are assumed, also it is given the physiologic and psychological characteristics of the group studied, as well as a group of 10 pre-sport games for the teaching of the displacements. The application of these games in the practice, starting from their structure, understanding and easy performance has allowed a better assimilation of the technical contents taught to the group studied.


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How to Cite
Arencibia Moreno, A., & Díaz Miranda, M. (2016). Games to familiarize children of 7-9 years old with the displacements of Badminton. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 11(3), 158–166. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ayran Arencibia Moreno, Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca. Facultad de Cultura Física Nancy Uranga Romagoza

Máster en Ciencias. Profesor Auxiliar. Profesor de Gimnasia Básica y Bádminton en el Departamento de Educación Física y Recreación.

Maidelin Díaz Miranda, Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca. Facultad de Cultura Física Nancy Uranga Romagoza.

Máster en Ciencias. Profesora Auxiliar. Profesora de Teoría y Práctica de los Juegos y Tenis de Mesa, en el Departamento de Educación Física y Recreación.


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