Strategy to encourage sports initiation from Physical Education in preschool childhood

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Rasciel de la Caridad Zayas Acosta


Physical Education is an area with potentialities through which the child expresses the level of motor, cognitive, affective, emotional and creative development achieved and plays an important role in the learning of motor actions or behaviors. The study takes into account the identification of needs in the educational process of Physical Education to encourage children in preschool childhood sports initiation with a playful approach, for this purpose, a didactic strategy is designed that contains educational, extracurricular activities and establishes interdisciplinary links among the different areas of the curriculum. The research process is carried out on a dialectical-materialist basis and methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical levels are used, such as: the documentary analysis, the interview, among others. The study involved 40 children from the fourth, fifth and sixth year of life and 10 educators working in preschool childhood in the municipality of Pinar del Río. The inquiries make possible to determine the regularities that distinguish the educational process of Physical Education in preschool childhood, as well as the needs of the educator to encourage sports initiation in said process. The didactic strategy allows the educator, from the educational process of Physical Education, to encourage sports initiation from the ludic and the development of motor and sports skills, from the projection of actions that contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of this process in order to achieve the maximum possible integrated development and preparation for adult life.


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How to Cite
Zayas Acosta, R. de la C. (2019). Strategy to encourage sports initiation from Physical Education in preschool childhood. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 14(3), 337–354. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rasciel de la Caridad Zayas Acosta, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", sede "Nancy Uranga Romagoza", Pinar del Río, Cuba, Departamento de Educación Física de servicio

Máster en  Educación, Profesora Auxiliar


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