Validation of the tactical purpose model for talent selection in combat sports /Validación del modelo de finalidad táctica para la selección de talentos en deportes de combate

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Anabel Lastres Madrigal
Beatriz Sánchez Córdova
Magda Mesa Anoceto


Introduction: The results obtained by combat athletes in Cuba have shown the strength of the pyramidal model for the selection and preparation of high-performance sports, but every process is likely to be improved, and constant improvement of the sports selection process is necessary.
Objective: In this sense, the present research aimed to theoretically validate a model of tactical purpose for the selection of talents in combat sports.
Materials and methods: The research is based on the application of a documentary review and a survey of 38 experts, being descriptive-explanatory.
Results: This model is based on three phases, a proposal for a talent selection model with a tactical purpose for combat sports; emphasis is placed on the theoretical evaluation of the model. Five indicators and five components are assumed and the theoretical contribution of the studied model is recognized; it focuses on the possibilities of optimization that it generates in the sports selection process; the pyramidal system is complemented and the management of potentially talented combat athletes is endorsed in their entry into high performance. The questionnaires determined that all the experts agree on very adequate and quite adequate, where the concordance coefficient obtained was W= 0.798.
Conclusions: The tactical purpose model for talent selection in combat sports constitutes a theoretical contribution and solves a specific problem in practice by allowing the optimization of the talent selection process with a scientific nature, thus complementing the pyramid system.


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How to Cite
Lastres Madrigal, A., Sánchez Córdova, B., & Mesa Anoceto, M. (2022). Validation of the tactical purpose model for talent selection in combat sports /Validación del modelo de finalidad táctica para la selección de talentos en deportes de combate. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(3), 974–991. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Anabel Lastres Madrigal, Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte Cubano. La Habana

Máster en Metodología del Entrenamiento Deportivo para la Alta Competencia

Beatriz Sánchez Córdova, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte. “Manuel Fajardo”, La Habana

Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física

Magda Mesa Anoceto, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte. "Manuel Fajardo" . La Habana

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas


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