Methodology for the training of figures in artistic swimmers, category 11-12 years

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Liudmila Hernández Soutelo
Alina Bestard Revilla
Michel Corrales Delgado
Elsa Sivila Jiménez
Rita María Pérez Ramírez
Guillermina Virginia Zaldívar Cordón


The training of the figures in artistic swimming constitutes one of the fundamental aspects in the technical preparation of artistic swimmers, its mastery is a condition to achieve sporting success. However, currently the procedures and components that support it are insufficient. Hence, the research is aimed at verifying the behavior of the application of the methodology for the improvement of the training of figures in artistic swimmers. With a population of eight artistic swimmers in the 11-12 years category belonging to the "Capitán Orestes Acosta Herrera" School of Sports Initiation in Santiago de Cuba. The analytical-synthetic and systemic-structural-functional theoretical methods were applied; with respect to the empirical ones, the documentary analysis and the pre-experimental pretest-postest design for a single group and in the statistical ones the descriptive one with the mean, mode and standard deviation; and the inferential with the T Student test for related samples. In this sense, the proposal was characterized by the use of the systemic approach to the restructuring of the content from a training plan of the figures. The quality of the methodology was corroborated by the results obtained in the application of the pre-experiment confirmed by different statistical techniques that highlight its functionality, sustainability, relevance and feasibility.


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How to Cite
Hernández Soutelo, L., Bestard Revilla, A., Corrales Delgado, M., Sivila Jiménez, E., Pérez Ramírez, R. M., & Zaldívar Cordón, G. V. (2023). Methodology for the training of figures in artistic swimmers, category 11-12 years. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(2), e1456. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Liudmila Hernández Soutelo, Universidad de Oriente. Facultad de Cultura Física.

Departamento Teoría y Práctica del Deporte. Dr.C. y profesora auxiliar.

Alina Bestard Revilla, Universidad de Oriente. Facultad de Cultura Física.

Centro de Estudios de Cultura Física y el Deporte. Dr.C. y profesora titular.

Elsa Sivila Jiménez, Universidad de Holguín. Facultad de Cultura Física.

Coordinadora del programa doctoral de Holguín. Dr.C. y profesora titular.

Guillermina Virginia Zaldívar Cordón, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Departamento de Teoría y Práctica del Deporte. Ms.C. y profesor auxiliar


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