Performance profile of the pole vaulters of the Cuban national team

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Rolando Palacios Pulgarón
Magda Mesa Anoceto
Yusimil Ramos Quian


The research was carried out with the objective of proposing a variant of performance profile or deportogram for the female pole vault, based on the behavior of the main physical-technical performance indicators of this test, for the Cuban national team. A bibliographic review of the main antecedents of deportograms previously used for pole vaulting and the indicators that comprised them was carried out. Quantitative measurements were made to 11 physical-technical indicators that were correlated with the result of the pole vault in a study group made up of 14 pole vaulters from the Cuban national team, with an age range between 15 and 32 years (mean ± standard deviation: 25.20 ± 3.5). Theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction were used; as empirical methods, the review of documents, the interview, the measurement and, statistical-mathematical that facilitated the research process. The results provided a new performance profile or deportogram for the female pole vault with a significant correlation between the new proposed indicators and the pole vault result.


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How to Cite
Palacios Pulgarón, R., Mesa Anoceto, M., & Ramos Quian, Y. (2023). Performance profile of the pole vaulters of the Cuban national team. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(2), e1472. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Rolando Palacios Pulgarón, Escuela Superior de Formación de Atletas


Magda Mesa Anoceto, UCCFD Manuel Fajardo


Yusimil Ramos Quian, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deportes ``Manuel Fajardoˊˊ



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