Experiences in the evaluation of collectives tactical actions in the category 13-15 years of Basketball.

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Rolando Taureaux Ricardo
Danilo Charchabal Pérez
Reinaldo Castro Cisneros
Juan Carlos Revés Carrión
Lizmary Feriz Otaño


This paper is inserted within the new trends in the sport of basketball that seek to take the greatest amount of data from the competitive environment, addressing the issue related to possessions in basketball, which in our opinion play a determining role in the evaluation of collective offensive tactical action. The objective of this research is to develop a pedagogical tool for the evaluation of the team's offensive tactical actions resulting from ball possessions; The authors consider that the results will make it possible to establish evaluation criteria on the logic of collective tactical performance in the two main phases of the game, the counter attack and the positional offensive. A protocol was used through the method of direct observation and not included, made it possible to collect tactical actions, possession of the ball, defensive rebound, balls won, throw-in and baseline throw-in and the assessment of their final results; that through a scale with values from 1 positive, 0 neutral and -1 negative, as well as the field score against the main types of defenses used by the opponent. The authors of the current study consider that the dynamic of the team's offensive tactical game and its tactical evaluation are associated from the analysis of ball possessions.


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How to Cite
Taureaux Ricardo, R., Charchabal Pérez, D., Castro Cisneros, R., Revés Carrión, J. C., & Feriz Otaño, L. (2025). Experiences in the evaluation of collectives tactical actions in the category 13-15 years of Basketball . PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 20(1), e1521. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/1521
Author Biographies

Rolando Taureaux Ricardo, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciado en Cultura Física. Master en Ciencia y profesor auxiliar

Danilo Charchabal Pérez, Universidad de Guayaquil

Doctor en Ciencia de la Cultura Física, Profesor Titular

Reinaldo Castro Cisneros, Universidad de Oriente

Dr.C Profesor titular

Juan Carlos Revés Carrión, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciado en Química. Máster en Ciencias de Biomecánica Deportiva. Profesor Asistente

Lizmary Feriz Otaño, Universidad de Guayaquil

Dra.C- Lienciada en Inglés- Master.


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