The personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, at the stage of basic perfection

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Osbiel Rodríguez Domínguez
Benjamín Blas Thorfe Blanco
Carlos Agustín Pupo Almira
Yenis Katia Rodríguez Labrada


Knowing the manifestations of the wrestler's behavior in the initial stage of sports training execution allows to characterize, project and control the process, with a scientific direction. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose indicators for the personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, in the basic improvement stage and to achieve effectiveness in the comprehensive formation of his personality. Given the situation presented, observations were made of the behavior of the wrestlers in the family, school, social and sports environment; in addition to surveys and interviews that allowed to characterize the investigated process and predict possible results, to then develop an efficient training intervention. The conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the results showed that the personalized pedagogical diagnosis indicators of the wrestler, in the basic improvement stage, contributed effectively to the comprehensive formation of his personality.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Domínguez, O., Thorfe Blanco, B. B., Pupo Almira, C. A., & Rodríguez Labrada, Y. K. (2024). The personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, at the stage of basic perfection. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(1), e1596. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Benjamín Blas Thorfe Blanco, Universidad Las Tunas , Facultad de Cultura Física. Las Tunas, Cuba.

Profesor Auxiliar.MSc

Carlos Agustín Pupo Almira, Universidad Holguín, Facultad de Cultura Física. Holguín, Cuba.

Profesor Auxiliar, MSc


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