Inclusive game system for the development of motor coordination in students with autism spectrum disorder
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Physical Education has proven to be an effective tool to develop physical and mental conditions in human beings. However, even the proposals in favor of making inclusive education a reality for students with autism spectrum disorder do not achieve the globally expected levels. That is why, the objective of this work is to design a system of inclusive games for the development of motor coordination in students with autism spectrum disorder, in the Physical Education class. To achieve this purpose, the survey, the pedagogical test and observation were used as fundamental methods at the empirical level. The results of the diagnosis point to poor knowledge on the part of Physical Education teachers about the treatment of students with this disorder, so it is proceeding to the task of developing a system of games for the development of motor coordination that gradually incorporated them into socialization in the group, and a pertinent evaluative system where superior results could be seen quantitatively and qualitatively.
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