Strategic planning and budget execution of sports activities for workers of public institutions

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Claudia Milagros Pezo Castillo
José Manuel Delgado-Bardales
Rosa Mabel Contreras-Julián


For the realization of this work, it was assumed that if actions are taken to improve the strategic planning and budget execution of sports activities for the workers of public institutions, the physical health of the workers and the attention to the public can be improved; therefore, the objective was to present a set of activities to improve the strategic planning and the destination of the budget, in order to promote sports activities for the workers of public institutions. A diagnosis was made, mediated by a questionnaire where the deficiencies in the knowledge of the variables strategic planning and budget execution for sports management were evidenced, and a correlational study was carried out. The sample consisted of 68 employees of a municipality. As results, the set of activities proposed to enhance the strategic preparation and budget execution of sports activities of workers of public institutions allowed solving problems of social cohesion and competitiveness; generated a collaborative environment, from teamwork; and established links between Physical Education teachers, workers and managers. The direct significant relationship between the variables was corroborated, according to Spearman's Rho correlation =0.79.


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How to Cite
Pezo Castillo, C. M., Delgado-Bardales, J. M., & Contreras-Julián, R. M. (2025). Strategic planning and budget execution of sports activities for workers of public institutions. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 20(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Claudia Milagros Pezo Castillo, Universidad César Vallejo, Escuela de Posgrado, Perú

Magister en Gestión pública


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