The modified basketball game as a way into participative physical recreation process for masculine young people between 17 – 23 years old in The Ceferino Fernández Viñas Popular Council in Pinar del Río

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Marilín Páez Basabe
Mercedes Miló Dubé


The participative physical recreation is based in the recreational sport’s functions that allow to offer an spectacle focussed in satisfying the population’s tastes, preferences and needs throughout its elective and participative action. The general objective of this research is to increase the options for the modified basketball practice in the popular councils like an answer to the problem found in the community among masculine young people between 17 and 23 years old. This game is use for its highest preference in the sportsmen and nowadays it is dynamic, flexible and changing according to the circumstances. The game is based on the Basketball International Association official rules, what allows adaptations to play in the community fields being available for the majority. This investigation wants to strengthen the mass organizations and social nets leading their roles in the solution of community problems providing more interest for the resident’s life even for those ones that are unemployed.


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How to Cite
Páez Basabe, M., & Miló Dubé, M. (2012). The modified basketball game as a way into participative physical recreation process for masculine young people between 17 – 23 years old in The Ceferino Fernández Viñas Popular Council in Pinar del Río. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(2), 87–94. Retrieved from


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