ATJ Matrices, tools for predicting the validity of a scientific result in Physical Culture/Matrices ATJ, herramientas para pronosticar la validez de un resultado científico en la Cultura Física

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Ana María Morales Ferrer
Tania Ivette Hernández Echevarría
Janet Otero Brande


The methods of prognosis are currently used to estimate the occurrence of an expected result, ie, offer the probability of presentation of a quality or process, however, its use is still insufficient in the context of physical culture, so provide a new method and its application methodology, is important as a qualitative filtering process. The aim of this article is to present the ATJ matrices as tools for the prognosis of the validity of a scientific result in Physical Culture. To achieve it, methods such as: opinion poll, unstructured interview, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, analysis of bibliographic sources, systemic-structural-functional, specialists' criteria and statistical-mathematical were used. As a preliminary result, it is possible to obtain a matrix arrangement called ATJ, where four matrices that respond to dimensions are declared; each one with its respective indicators and valuation scales that make it possible to obtain a final evaluation criterion. The procedure provided to the researcher for the application of the matrix arrangement is easy to understand and enables qualitative work to obtain the expected result.


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How to Cite
Morales Ferrer, A. M., Hernández Echevarría, T. I., & Otero Brande, J. (2021). ATJ Matrices, tools for predicting the validity of a scientific result in Physical Culture/Matrices ATJ, herramientas para pronosticar la validez de un resultado científico en la Cultura Física. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(1), 17–30. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ana María Morales Ferrer, University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports "Manuel Fajardo"

Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física, Profesora Consultante Metodóloga de Posgrado de la UCCFD “Manuel Fajardo”

Tania Ivette Hernández Echevarría, University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports "Manuel Fajardo"

Profesora Titular Metodóloga de Posgrado de la UCCFD “Manuel Fajardo”

Janet Otero Brande, University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports "Manuel Fajardo"

Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física, Profesora Auxiliar, Metodóloga de Posgrado de la UCCFD “Manuel Fajardo”


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