Diagnosis of the strength-endurance of the stabilizer muscles in school tennis players
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The work that is presented is based on a descriptive study, of a qualitative and quantitative nature; for this, theoretical methods such as inductive-deductive and analytical-synthetic, as well as empirical methods such as documentary review, observation, survey, interview and the measurement to obtain the sample data, from the application of the tests were applied. The characteristics of table tennis as a sport were highlighted, as well as the injuries that occur in it. The theoretical bases of the stabilizing muscles were studied, which are those that allow fixing a joint to put certain muscle groups in motion. The sub 13 category tennis players in Havana lack a methodological instrument that supports the strength endurance training of the stabilizer muscles, so the objective of this research was to evaluate the strength endurance of the stabilizer muscles of the sub 13 category tennis players from Havana. The eval -lumbar tennis instrument was designed to assess the level of endurance to strength of the stabilizing muscles of the selected sample. As a result, 100 % of the sample presented a deficient endurance to strength, where the following muscles were found to be weak: rectus abdominis, oblique abdominis, multifidus, quadratus lumborum, intertransversus, serratus anterior, spinal erectors and deltoids in its lateral portion and frontal.
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