Perception of central and peripheral distance in athletes of the national table tennis team

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María del Rosario Martínez Hernández
Marta Cañizares Hernández
Annia Mariela Pérez Palma
Juan González Estrada
José Ramón Betancourt Lambert


This paper research perception studies in athletes from the national table tennis team. Its objective was to propose perceptual-visual exercises to improve the perception of central and peripheral distance in said team, based on the detection of the difficulties presented in the game in the qualifying controls, 2019. The need to carry out studies that explore the perception of central and peripheral distance in the field of sports psychology reveals the importance and topicality of the subject, due to the contribution of this component of the psychoregulatory system of motor actions, to the performance of athletes during the training and competition process. Theoretical level methods such as analysis-synthesis, as well as observation, interview and Vera and Saínz de la Torre test from the empirical level were used to determine the perception of distance adjusted to the specific characteristics of table tennis and tennis, also the specialist criteria method was used. The main results allowed to verify an inadequate level of development of the perception of distance, in relation to optical motor calculations, central-peripheral vision and unbalanced movements in displacements. In addition, there are difficulties in coordination and reactions that affect the precision, power and placement of the shots. Perceptual-visual exercises were developed to improve the perception of central and peripheral distance in the national table tennis team, which were valued as very adequate by specialists.


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Martínez Hernández, M. del R., Cañizares Hernández, M., Pérez Palma, A. M., González Estrada, J., & Betancourt Lambert, J. R. (2023). Perception of central and peripheral distance in athletes of the national table tennis team. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(2), e1477. Retrieved from


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