Promotion of physical activity to reduce overweight in children

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Marco Vinicio Zapata Galarza
Daira Yolanda Ramírez Ponce


The work addresses one of the most serious health problems of the contemporary era: obesity, which seriously affects children. It causes numerous types of diseases and other affectations to physical and mental health. The objective of the article was to carry out an analysis of the influence of the promotion of physical activity to reduce the overweight of children, for which a theoretical analysis was carried out based on the consultation of specialized and updated documents. The main aspects addressed were overweight, physical inactivity and physical activity in the face of obesity problems, as well as the role played by schools and teachers in the promotion of health in the face of this serious problem. The study carried out provides a basis for future research, of an applied type, in relation to the intervention that can be carried out from the physical education class to promote healthy habits and adequate physical activity, with a view to minimizing obesity in infants.


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How to Cite
Zapata Galarza, M. V., & Ramírez Ponce, D. Y. (2020). Promotion of physical activity to reduce overweight in children. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 15(1), 153–165. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Marco Vinicio Zapata Galarza, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Ecuador

Docente de la Universidad Central del Ecuador

Daira Yolanda Ramírez Ponce, Unidad Educativa Municipal Nueve de Octubre. Ecuador

Unidad Educativa Municipal Nueve de Octubre. Ecuador


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