Methodological actions for the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities through para-karate/Acciones metodológicas para la inclusión educativa de educandos con discapacidad intelectual mediante el parakarate

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Luís Alberto Pérez Rodríguez
Leidys Escalante Candeaux
Annia Gómez Valdés


This research responds to the needs of the National Institute of Sport Physical education and Recreation staff (Inder in Spanish), it is aimed at the process of educational inclusion from the context of sport for all, in students with intellectual disabilities, in the Guanabo sports complex, Habana del Este municipality. The objective is to establish methodological actions as a work tool for Karate-do specialists, who are responsible for the educational physical care of this population. From a materialist dialectical approach to the interpretation of phenomena, the main methods and techniques used were: interview, survey, scientific observation and statistics, which allowed revealing the causal relationships between the object and the declared field of action. It was found that the system of preparation of the professionals of this activity for the teaching and care of students with intellectual disabilities within the Karate-do class is limited, due to inadequacies in the methodological indications that require such attention, which prevents them from an inclusive process occurs. The methodological actions would benefit the professionals who assist these students, as they are applied with systematicity, allowing inclusion, diversity in participation and learning of the practices of the student; it also reduces exclusion within the training process as required by society in all its spheres of performance.


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How to Cite
Pérez Rodríguez, L. A., Escalante Candeaux, L., & Gómez Valdés, A. (2021). Methodological actions for the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities through para-karate/Acciones metodológicas para la inclusión educativa de educandos con discapacidad intelectual mediante el parakarate. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(1), 4–16. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Luís Alberto Pérez Rodríguez, University of the Sciences of Physical Culture "Manuel Fajardo"

Máster en Actividad Física Comunitaria, Profesor instructor de Teoría y Metodología del entrenamiento deportivo

Leidys Escalante Candeaux, University of the Sciences of Physical Culture "Manuel Fajardo"

Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física, Vicedecana de Formación de la UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo"


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