Bodybuilding training and formation activities project: a service-learning experience/Proyecto de actividades de entrenamiento y formación en Culturismo: una experiencia aprendizaje-servicio

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Edison Santiago Guerrero González
Tyrone Macías Vera
Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco
Mishel Saa Cedillo
Ricardo Patricio Játiva Burbano


Universities as a space for human formation are called to provide social service to the communities through linkage projects, in which their subjects are articulated through the service learning methodology, which will involve students in the real context and social service with their academic work. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of the contents of the subject Dual Chair through the service learning methodology, in the project of linkage with society called Grouping of training and formation activities in bodybuilding of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Central University of Ecuador and the results of the perception of the beneficiaries in the components of physical space and resources, activities, and degree of satisfaction of the project. The study was hermeneutic and documentary. Two techniques were applied: documentary analysis, a stakeholder matrix instrument, and a survey with a bank of 11 questions with a rating scale, applied to 168 beneficiaries of the project based on three components: physical space, resources, activities and degree of satisfaction. It can be said that it has been possible to consolidate the learning of the students in each of the activities developed in the project, in addition the evaluation process has been very well accepted by the beneficiaries, highlighting the value of the service learning methodology in the formation of the students and their link to social service.


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How to Cite
Guerrero González, E. S., Macías Vera, T., Posso Pacheco, R. J., Saa Cedillo, M., & Játiva Burbano, R. P. (2021). Bodybuilding training and formation activities project: a service-learning experience/Proyecto de actividades de entrenamiento y formación en Culturismo: una experiencia aprendizaje-servicio. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(2), 616–628. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Edison Santiago Guerrero González, Central University of Ecuador

Magister en Psicologia Deportiva

Tyrone Macías Vera, Central University of Ecuador

Magister en Cultura Física y Deportología

Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco, Central University of Ecuador

Ph.D en Proyectos

Mishel Saa Cedillo, Educational Unit of Civil Aviation

Licenciada en Cultura Física Mención Docencia en Cultura Física

Ricardo Patricio Játiva Burbano, Educational Unit of Civil Aviation

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mensión Educación Física


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