Comparative study of the concentration of attention in boxers, before and after psychological intervention/Estudio comparativo de la concentración de la atención en boxeadores, antes y después de la intervención psicológica

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Yaneivis Soler Prieto
Marta Cañizares Hernández
Marisol de la Caridad Suárez Rodríguez


Introduction: The concentration of attention is essential in boxing, an activity where the athlete faces an opponent at close range, in a fight that takes place in a limited time, placing high demands on the attention process.
Objective: The present study aimed to compare the concentration of attention in boxers category 15 - 16 years of the Sport Initiation School (Eide in Spanish) "Mártires de Barbados" in Havana, before and after the psychological intervention of the process.
Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 20 athletes of competitive interest. The evaluation was carried out at two moments during the special preparation stage; the first before carrying out psychological intervention actions of the process and the second after eight weeks carrying them out. For the initial diagnosis, the following techniques were used: Landolt Ring Test, self-assessment scale for athletes, external assessment scale for coaches, interviews with athletes, and structured observation of training and competitions. In the retest, the first three techniques mentioned were repeated.
Results: The main results initially obtained were a concentration evaluated as bad and regular in 50 % and 40 % of the sample, respectively, expressed mainly in the repetition of errors already corrected by the coaches and in difficulty in maintaining focus. Post-intervention, an improvement in attention concentration was verified, obtaining a diagnosis of good, very good and excellent in 35 %, 20 % and 20 % of the sample, respectively.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the proposed intervention contributed to an improvement in the diagnosis of the process.


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How to Cite
Soler Prieto, Y., Cañizares Hernández, M., & Suárez Rodríguez, M. de la C. (2022). Comparative study of the concentration of attention in boxers, before and after psychological intervention/Estudio comparativo de la concentración de la atención en boxeadores, antes y después de la intervención psicológica. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(3), 1124–1140. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yaneivis Soler Prieto, UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo" La Habana

Licenciada en Psicología en la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas en 2010. Máster en Psicología del Deporte obtenido en la UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo" de La Habana en 2016. Profesora intructora, perteneciente al Centro de Estudios de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CEPAFD) de la UCCFD "Manuel Fajardo" de La Habana.


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