Methodology for teaching-learning futsal adapted for students with visual disability

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Joseph Miguel Coello Morales
Christian Alonso Arreaga Campoverde
Giorver Pérez Iribar
Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


The study is aimed at understanding to meet the inclusion needs of students with visual disability during the practice of futsal in Physical Education classes, to reduce their fear of sport, improve their self-esteem and raise awareness among the family and teaching staff in their radius of action and that they are accepted in each of their training sessions. The objective focuses on developing a methodology for teaching-learning of adapted futsal, for students with visual disability who, from an education inclusive guarantees a better quality of life; in this way, their performance is improved and their physical and mental well-being is promoted. During the research, documentary review, scientific observation and interviews were used as empirical methods, which allowed to gain in-depth knowledge of the background, current and prospective state of the problem, as well as to design the possible solution. The results obtained are oriented towards a transformation from the curricular adjustments of the psychological, social, communicative and physical needs of the students; thus, the methodology makes it clear how to work from the different contexts, the methodological recommendations and the requirements to take into account, based on the visual disability presented and the way of evaluating. Such efforts favor equality of opportunities and cooperation as social beings in the educational environment where he/she is developed.


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How to Cite
Coello Morales, J. M., Arreaga Campoverde, C. A., Pérez Iribar, G., & Maqueira Caraballo, G. de la C. (2024). Methodology for teaching-learning futsal adapted for students with visual disability. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(2), e1617. Retrieved from


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