Methodological Strategy for the Inclusion of Students with Obesity in Physical Education lessons
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The issue of obesity is one of the most worrying topics in the world civil community and finds in Physical Education (PE) an effective tool to reduce its harmful impact on the daily and academic life of these children in schools and outside them. That is why the objective of this research is to propose a methodological strategy that is able to improve the inclusion of children with obesity in a PE class. This inclusion does not only refer to fostering in students feelings of acceptance, cooperation and tolerance towards overweight or obese children. In order to achieve this purpose, scientific observation, anthropometric measurement and interviews with parents of children with overweight and obesity problems are adopted as empirical methods. The strategy addresses as fundamental directions: 1) the acceptance and collaboration of students and teachers who attend the group 2) the development of a group of methodological actions to reduce weight gain in students through physical activity and other activities that reinforce this strategy in the psychological and interpersonal order. When the strategy is applied, the best results are in the improvement of body weight, the other indicators although they are not evaluated as deficient, it is expected that the results will be higher, everything depends on the mastery of the teacher, the cooperation of the students and the support of family and friends.
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