Psychomotor games: an important role in children aged three to four years

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Katiuska Bell Martínez
Alina Bestard Revilla
Rosa Elvira Cabrera Acosta
Yoel Ortiz Fernández


Promoting the stimulation of motor development for children aged three to four years and taking advantage of the potential of the Educa tu Hijo Program through the role of families, the community and teachers are considered premises for the development of creative thinking that includes the role of games in comprehensive training, based on the execution of basic motor actions. Therefore, it was proposed as the objective of the research design a system of psychomotor games for children aged three to four years of the Educa tu Hijo Program that promote their psychomotor development. This gave the possibility of training family members, the community and teachers with an integrative training approach to motivate motor learning. The games created showed good creative practices, they included actions to express the feelings and desires of the selected sample. The theoretical methods used to evaluate the topic were analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural-functional, the empirical ones were documentary analysis, observation, interview with teachers, family survey, as well as mathematical-statistical methods. Therefore, it has been concluded that psychomotor games, if planned appropriately, have a positive impact on social relationships, cognitive, language, feelings and the ways in which family members, the community and teachers interact. prepare to enhance the comprehensive education of their children.


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How to Cite
Bell Martínez, K., Bestard Revilla, A., Cabrera Acosta, R. E., & Ortiz Fernández, Y. (2023). Psychomotor games: an important role in children aged three to four years . PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(3), e1462. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Katiuska Bell Martínez, Dirección Provincial de Deportes de Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.

Profesora-Instructora y Jefe de Catedra de departamento de Deportes para Todos del Centro Comunitario Versalles.

Alina Bestard Revilla, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Oriente y miembro de Cómite Académico de la Formación Doctoral de la Universidad de Holguín

Rosa Elvira Cabrera Acosta, Dirección Provincial de Deportes de Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.

Profesor asistente de la Universidad de Oriente y Jefa del Departamento del Sistema de Enseñanza Deportiva, Especialista en Ciencia,Tecnólogía y Medio Ambiente

Yoel Ortiz Fernández, Universidad de Holguín. Holguín,, Cuba.

Doctor en Ciencias y Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Holguín


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