Remote Physical Education: motor games and kinesthetic intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic/Educación Física remota: juegos motrices e inteligencia kinestésica durante la pandemia COVID-19

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Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco
Nelson Rafael Otáñez Enríquez
Jannet Del Rocío Cóndor Chicaiza
María Gladys Cóndor Chicaiza
Lilia Del Rosario Lara Chala


In the context of the pandemic, Physical Education in Ecuador, as well as other subjects, have worked through interdisciplinary projects under the project-based learning methodology. The objective of this research was to verify to what extent motor games in remote Physical Education influence the development of kinesthetic intelligence of schoolchildren in a particular educational institution in Quito. It is framed in a quantitative paradigm, corresponding to a quasi-experimental design of descriptive and transversal character, with pretest and post-test measures, without control groups. The sample consisted of 22 students in the third year of General Basic Education. The inclusion parameter was established as being enrolled and attending the virtual classes of Physical Education. An instrument was constructed with an estimation scale of the dimensions for kinesthetic intelligence of the adaptation of Gardner's test: use the body movements as the main tool of expression [UMCPHE]; show sports and athletic skills [MHDA]; enjoy participating in dance and dramatic art activities [DPADAD]; show ability in performing manual work and using tools [MHRTMUH] and learn better when the body is involved in the activities [AMCIA]. This study showed that innovative strategies based on motor games through remote Physical Education are an alternative to encourage the improvement of kinesthetic intelligence, in addition to the fact that Physical Education has had to be transformed in terms of the use of appropriate teaching strategies, reflecting that kinesthetic intelligence is transcendental, because it has a significant impact on the development of the intellectual capacity of students in their level of self-esteem and generation of autonomy towards motor games.


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How to Cite
Posso Pacheco, R. J., Otáñez Enríquez, N. R., Cóndor Chicaiza, J. D. R., Cóndor Chicaiza, M. G., & Lara Chala, L. D. R. (2021). Remote Physical Education: motor games and kinesthetic intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic/Educación Física remota: juegos motrices e inteligencia kinestésica durante la pandemia COVID-19. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 16(2), 564–575. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco, Central University of Ecuador

Phd. en Proyectos, Máster en Actividad Física y Salud. Docente de la Facultad de Cultura Física de Educación Fisica de la Universidad Central

Nelson Rafael Otáñez Enríquez, Central University of Ecuador

Magister en Entrenamiento Deportivo, Docente de la Facultad de Cultura Física de Educación Fisica de la Universidad Central

Jannet Del Rocío Cóndor Chicaiza, Eugenio Espejo Municipal Educational Unit

Magister en Educación Parvularia, docente Unidad Educativa Municipal Eugenio Espejo

María Gladys Cóndor Chicaiza, Antonio José de Sucre Educational Unit

Magister en Eduacación Superior, docente Unidad Educativa "Antonio José de Sucre"

Lilia Del Rosario Lara Chala, Central University of Ecuador

Magister en docencia de Cultura Física, Docente de la Facultad de Cultura Física de Educación Fisica de la Universidad Central


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