Pedagogical perspective of sexual diversity in sports educational centers/Perspectiva pedagógica de la diversidad sexual en centros educacionales deportivos

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Alina Bestard Revilla
Elizabeth Palma Cardoso
Elsa Sivila Jiménez


Introduction: Human beings have learned to live with the diversity that exists in the world, to understand it and even act in accordance with it. However, it still takes a bit of work to reason about those differences that have to do with people.
Objective: The objective of this study was to develop educational actions aimed at improving the sports performance of the women's softball team of the " Orestes Acosta" Eide in Santiago de Cuba.
Materials and methods: From the diagnosis applied to a sample of 27 team athletes and scientific observation, it was possible to discover difficulties with the acceptance of sexual diversity in training, competitions and other related sports activities. To carry out this study, methods, techniques and instruments were applied for the diagnosis of the approach to sexual diversity such as: survey, interview, group assessment
test (desired interrelationships).
Results: Some of the results obtained and the proposal for their solution are expressed in the teaching-educational actions developed for the preparation of coaches, teachers and athletes about sexual diversity in female softball athletes that fostered the sports and teaching performance of these athletes, while improving their interpersonal relationships.
Conclusions: By covering the problem of sexuality in sport, it is tried to open a space for reflection on this subject, not only for those people interested in gender and sexual diversity issues, but also and, mainly, for people linked to sport and physical activity. This space has been created since it is considered fundamental to demystify some socially constructed notions and, at the same time, it seeks to open the game so that debates, exchanges and modifications in exclusion and discrimination behaviors in the sports field can take place.


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How to Cite
Bestard Revilla, A., Palma Cardoso, E., & Sivila Jiménez, E. (2022). Pedagogical perspective of sexual diversity in sports educational centers/Perspectiva pedagógica de la diversidad sexual en centros educacionales deportivos. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 17(3), 892–910. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Alina Bestard Revilla, Universidad de Oriente. Facultad de Cultura Física

Doctor en Ciencias Lingüísticas,Máster en Estudios Culturales de Cuba y El Caribe,Profesor Titular

Elizabeth Palma Cardoso, Instituto Tolimense de Formación Técnica Profesional ITFIP

Profesora/ Facultad de Economía y Contaduría de Tolima,  Colombia, ITFIP

Elsa Sivila Jiménez, Universidad de Holgúin

Dr. C Ciencias d ela Cultura Física


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