Concerted strategic planning and online evaluation of inquiry-based learning in the Deputy Management of Education and Sports

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Julio César Sáenz Avila
Edwin Sarabia Murrieta
Ricardo Navarro Del Castillo
Mayer DanieL Oré Rodríguez
Alex Miguel Hernández Torres


Results-based management occupies a prominent place in the public management of local governments; They contain various dimensions that make it up, but they generally do not know which ones should be emphasized to achieve more and more results in the areas of education and sports. The objective of this research is: to determine the dimension with the greatest impact in the online management and evaluation of inquiry-based learning in the Education and Sports Sub-Managements for emotional well-being. For the research, observations, surveys and interviews were applied and expert judgment was also used. Four dimensions of the online management and evaluation variable of inquiry-based learning, used in similar research in Peru, were compared. It was concluded that strategic planning is decisive to achieve online management and evaluation of inquiry learning in the Education and Sports Sub-Managements to plan and develop activities in pursuit of the emotional well-being of the population through sports and cultural activities. Online management and evaluation of inquiry learning is a tool that helps municipalities improve the management of activities related to sport and culture. By focusing on results, municipalities can identify areas where they need to improve and develop; It is necessary to emphasize strategic planning to improve services to benefit the emotional health of residents.


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How to Cite
Sáenz Avila, J. C., Sarabia Murrieta, E., Navarro Del Castillo, R., Oré Rodríguez, M. D., & Hernández Torres, A. M. (2024). Concerted strategic planning and online evaluation of inquiry-based learning in the Deputy Management of Education and Sports. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 19(3), e1604. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Julio César Sáenz Avila, Universidad César Vallejo

Magister en Educación

Edwin Sarabia Murrieta, Universidad César Vallejo,

Magister  en Educación

Ricardo Navarro Del Castillo, Universidad César Vallejo.

Magister en Educación

Mayer DanieL Oré Rodríguez, Universidad César Vallejo

Magister en Educación

Alex Miguel Hernández Torres, Universidad César Vallejo, Escuela de Posgrado, Perú

Dr. en Administracion de Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca


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