Teaching learning tasks system for the development of the independent work from pedagogy subject in the career physical culture

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Ana Belkys Amador-Cabrera
Naivy Lanza-Escobar
Ania Teresa Cordero-González


The research covers one of the main problems that there is in Cuban education in the development of the teaching learning process, focusing in the development of the career Majoring at Physical culture second year students´ independent work from Pedagogy subject, by means of learning task system elaborated taking into consideration the subject content set in the curriculum of the mentioned professionals. To verify the problem and validate the effectiveness of the proposal in the pedagogical practice there were used several investigation methods like: theoretical, empirical, mathematic and statistic methods for the process of the information in the different stages of the investigation. The final results showed that the teaching tasks proposed favour the students´ cognitive independence, being the centre of their own learning under the teacher’s guide. They also reinforce the professional formation, allowing them to face new situations and find developing ways out to taking into account their pedagogical knowledge. It is achieved the evolution of the creative thinking, which is necessary for the teaching learning process management in Physical education. The learning tasks system contributes to the professional’s integral formation according to the present demands of the Cuban society.


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How to Cite
Amador-Cabrera, A. B., Lanza-Escobar, N., & Cordero-González, A. T. (2012). Teaching learning tasks system for the development of the independent work from pedagogy subject in the career physical culture. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 7(3), 121–142. Retrieved from https://podium.upr.edu.cu/index.php/podium/article/view/316


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